Quid Iuris?

Proibido proibir!

Location: Portugal

Monday, May 08, 2006

A vida, segundo Archie Bunker

I got nothin' against mankind. It's people I can't stand.
(Não tenho nada contra a humanidade. Não suporto é pessoas.)

Tell you something Mr. Stivic. You are a meathead.
(Vou dizer-lhe uma coisa Sr. Stivic. Você é um cabeça-de-abóbora)

Archie, please be nice...
Edith, I'm always nice. Go let the jerk in

(Archie, por favor, sê simpático...
Edith, eu sou sempre simpático. Vai abrir a porta ao parvo)

I want you all to synchronize your tongues to silence
(Eu quero que vocês todos sincronizem as vossas línguas ao silêncio)

Entertainment is a thing of the past, today we've got television
(O entretenimento é uma coisa do passado, agora temos a televisão)

He (Nixon) didn't lie! He just forgot to tell the truth
(Ele - Nixon- não mentiu! Ele apenas esqueceu-se de dizer a verdade)

God don't make no mistakes - that's how he got to be God
(Deus não comete erros - foi assim que Ele conseguiu o lugar de Deus)

I'm not racist!
I'll be the first to say it, it's not their fault they're colored!
(Eu não sou racista! Sou o primeiro a dizê-lo, não é culpa deles serem negros!)

Listen Edith, I know you're singing, you know you're singing, but the neighbors may think I'm torturing you.
(Escuta, Edith,eu sei que tu estás a cantar, tu sabes que tu estás a cantar, mas os vizinhos podem pensar que eu te estou a torturar)

Those were the days!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's so much funny....

2:06 PM  
Blogger Jaime A. said...

Mr. Bunker may be the last American hero. He stands for everything I'm against: racism, bad manners, arrogant, selfcentered.
That's the way he is and he's proud of beeing so.
He may hurt us in the very heart of our convictions and beliefs, but strangely he makes us laugh. A lot, indeed.
It's weird that someone that we're always against, may also be the one that we are always waiting to watch and antecipate his comments.
Perhaps the confrontation of our beliefs may force us to look inside ourselves. That probably may make us laugh.
Archie Bunker is the man I'd like to know, to be called methead, to argue and smile. He's a fine man who fought the WW II aginst fascism and believes in the "old southern America".
God bless him.

3:03 PM  

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